Historical Fires
Hanger A Fire | Tillamook Air Base | 1992
In 1992 Historic Hanger A at Former Naval Station Tillamook caught fire and was completely destroyed. at the time the hanger was nearly 50 year old and was used primarily for storage. During the time of the fire it was holding 7600 tons of straw and hay. Fire was reported at 1038 PM and the hangar collapsed at 1125PMaccording to Chief Weber at the time
Over 50 Firefighters were called to the scene most of them volunteers.
Each of the hangars were 1,072 feet in length, 296 feet wide and 192 feet in height at the crown – a total of seven acres of land under one roof, Gurling said – and used 33 million board feet of lumber.

Holly Court Apartment Fire | 1975
Site of current Station 71
In 1975 the apartment structure on 4th street caught fire. Tragically there was a fatality in this fire.